The Maternity Clothes Gap: Why Pregnant Women Are Struggling To Find Clothing That Fits

May 26, 2023 | By | Filed in: maternity clothes.
The Maternity Clothes Gap: Why Pregnant Women Are Struggling To Find Clothing That Fits
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Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting time for many women, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges that pregnant women face is finding clothes that fit and are comfortable to wear. Unfortunately, the maternity clothes gap is a real issue that affects many pregnant women.

The Maternity Clothes Gap Explained

The maternity clothes gap refers to the limited options that pregnant women have when it comes to clothing. Many retailers don’t offer maternity clothing options or only offer a limited selection. This can make it difficult for pregnant women to find clothing that is comfortable, fits well, and is stylish. The issue is particularly acute for plus-size pregnant women. According to a survey by Plus Size Birth, 73% of plus-size pregnant women struggled to find clothes that fit during their pregnancy. Many retailers don’t offer plus-size maternity clothing, leaving women with few options. The maternity clothes gap is not just an inconvenience; it can also have a negative impact on women’s mental health. Pregnancy is a time of change and can be accompanied by anxiety and stress. Not being able to find clothes that fit can exacerbate those feelings and make women feel isolated and unsupported.

The Impact of the Maternity Clothes Gap

The maternity clothes gap can have a significant impact on pregnant women’s lives. For one, it can make it challenging for them to continue working. Workplaces often have dress codes or expectations around attire, and pregnant women may struggle to meet those expectations if they can’t find appropriate clothing. The maternity clothes gap can also impact women’s physical health. Ill-fitting clothing can cause discomfort, chafing, and even lead to health issues such as thrush or yeast infections. This can be particularly problematic during pregnancy when women’s bodies are already undergoing significant changes.

Why Is There a Gap?

One reason for the maternity clothes gap is that retailers don’t see pregnant women as a profitable market. The assumption is that women will only wear maternity clothes for a short period, so there’s no point in investing in a dedicated line. This has led to many retailers offering only a limited selection or not offering maternity clothes at all. Another reason for the gap is that designing maternity clothes requires a different approach than regular clothing. Maternity clothes need to be comfortable, stretchy, and able to accommodate a growing belly. This requires specific design features, such as elastic waistbands and extra fabric in the front. Many retailers don’t have the expertise or resources to design these types of clothes.

What Can Be Done?

There are several steps that retailers can take to address the maternity clothes gap. One is to offer a wider selection of maternity clothing. This could include plus-size options, more stylish choices, and clothing that is appropriate for different types of workplaces. Another step is to invest in designing better maternity clothes. This could involve working with experts in the field or investing in research to understand pregnant women’s needs better. Retailers could also consider offering more sustainable options, such as clothing made from eco-friendly materials or that can be worn beyond pregnancy. Finally, retailers can work to create a more supportive environment for pregnant women. This could involve training staff to be more knowledgeable about maternity clothing or offering resources and support to help pregnant women find the clothes they need.


The maternity clothes gap is a real issue that affects many pregnant women. It can impact their physical and mental health, as well as their ability to work and participate in society. Retailers can take steps to address the gap by offering more maternity clothing options, investing in better design, and creating a more supportive environment for pregnant women. By doing so, they can help make pregnancy a more positive and empowering experience for women.

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