Business Registration in Cambodia: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs

February 8, 2024 | By | Filed in: Sharing.
Business Registration in Cambodia: A Step-by-Step Guide for Entrepreneurs

Business Registration in Cambodia :

Key Takeaways
Business registration in Cambodia is a simple and fast process that can be done online through the Ministry of Commerce website
Business registration in Cambodia allows you to operate legally, protect your assets, access benefits, and expand your market
Business registration in Cambodia requires you to choose a business name, a business structure, a business activity, and a business location
Business registration in Cambodia costs between $25 and $1,800 depending on the type and size of your business

Cambodia is a country with a growing economy, a young population, and a favorable business environment. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to start or expand your business in Cambodia, you need to register your business with the Ministry of Commerce (MoC). Business registration in Cambodia is a simple and fast process that can be done online through the MoC website. Business registration in Cambodia allows you to operate legally, protect your assets, access benefits, and expand your market. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of business registration in Cambodia and answer some frequently asked questions.

Why register your business in Cambodia?

Registering your business in Cambodia has many advantages, such as:

  • Legal compliance: Registering your business in Cambodia allows you to comply with the laws and regulations of the country, such as taxation, labor, and environmental standards. This can help you avoid fines, penalties, and legal disputes.
  • Asset protection: Registering your business in Cambodia allows you to separate your personal and business assets, which can protect you from personal liability in case of business debts, losses, or lawsuits.
  • Benefit access: Registering your business in Cambodia allows you to access various benefits and incentives from the government, such as tax exemptions, subsidies, grants, loans, and trade agreements.
  • Market expansion: Registering your business in Cambodia allows you to expand your market and customer base, as you can operate in different locations, sectors, and countries. You can also build your reputation and credibility among customers, suppliers, and investors.

What are the types of business structures in Cambodia?

Before you register your business in Cambodia, you need to choose a business structure that suits your needs and goals. The business structure determines the ownership, management, liability, and taxation of your business. The most common types of business structures in Cambodia are:

  • Sole proprietorship: This is the simplest and most common type of business structure in Cambodia. It is a business owned and operated by one person, who has full control and responsibility over the business. The sole proprietor is personally liable for all the debts and obligations of the business, and pays personal income tax on the business profits.
  • Partnership: This is a type of business structure where two or more people agree to share the ownership, management, and profits of a business. There are two types of partnerships in Cambodia: general partnership and limited partnerships. In a general partnership, all the partners have equal rights and responsibilities, and are jointly and severally liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership. In a limited partnership, there are two types of partners: general partners and limited partners. General partners have the same rights and responsibilities as in a general partnership, while limited partners only contribute capital and have limited liability. Partnerships pay corporate income tax on the partnership profits, and the partners pay personal income tax on their share of the profits.
  • Company: This is a type of business structure where the business is a separate legal entity from its owners, who are called shareholders. There are two types of companies in Cambodia: private limited company and public limited company. In a private limited company, the number of shareholders is limited to 30, and the shares are not publicly traded. In a public limited company, the number of shareholders is unlimited, and the shares are publicly traded on a stock exchange. Companies have a board of directors who manage the business and a general manager who runs the day-to-day operations. Companies are liable for their own debts and obligations and pay corporate income tax on the company profits. Shareholders pay personal income tax on the dividends they receive from the company.

The following table summarizes the main features and differences of the business structures in Cambodia:

Business StructureOwnershipManagementLiabilityTaxation
Sole proprietorshipOne personSole proprietorPersonalPersonal income tax
PartnershipTwo or more personsPartnersJoint and several (general partnership) or limited (limited partnership)Corporate income tax (partnership) and personal income tax (partners)
CompanyShareholdersBoard of directors and general managerCorporateCorporate income tax (company) and personal income tax (shareholders)

Business Registration in Cambodia: How to Complete the Online Application

In the previous part of this article, we explained why you need to register your business in Cambodia, and what are the types of business structures that you can choose from. In this part, we will show you how to complete the online application for business registration in Cambodia through the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) website.

What are the requirements for business registration in Cambodia?

Before you start the online application for business registration in Cambodia, you need to prepare the following requirements:

  • A business name: You need to choose a unique and distinctive name for your business, that reflects your business activity and identity. You can check the availability of your desired name on the MoC website, and reserve it for 30 days. You also need to provide a translation of your name in Khmer, the official language of Cambodia.
  • A business structure: You need to choose a business structure that suits your needs and goals, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, or company. You also need to provide the details of the owners, managers, and shareholders of your business, such as their names, addresses, nationalities, and share percentages.
  • A business activity: You need to choose a business activity that describes the main purpose and function of your business, such as manufacturing, trading, or services. You also need to provide the details of the products or services that you offer, such as their names, descriptions, and prices.
  • A business location: You need to provide the address of your business premises, such as your office, factory, or shop. You also need to provide the details of the land title, lease agreement, or rental contract that proves your right to use the premises.

How to complete the online application for business registration in Cambodia?

To complete the online application for business registration in Cambodia, you need to follow these steps:

  • Visit the MoC website: You can access the MoC website at, where you can find all the information and instructions for business registration in Cambodia. You can also choose the language of the website, such as English, Khmer, or Chinese.
  • Create an account: You need to create an account on the MoC website, where you can fill in the online application form, upload the required documents, and pay the registration fee. You need to provide your email address, phone number, and password to create an account. You will also receive a verification code by email or SMS to activate your account.
  • Fill in the online application form: You need to fill in the online application form with the details of your business name, structure, activity, and location. You can also save your progress and resume later, or edit your information before submitting. You need to review and confirm your information before submitting, as you cannot change it after submission.
  • Upload the required documents: You need to upload the required documents that support your online application, such as your identity card, passport, or visa, your land title, lease agreement, or rental contract, and your business name reservation certificate. You need to scan or take a photo of the original documents, and upload them in PDF or JPEG format. You can also upload additional documents that may be relevant for your business, such as your business plan, financial statements, or certificates.
  • Pay the registration fee: You need to pay the registration fee for your business registration, which depends on the type and size of your business. The registration fee ranges from $25 to $1,800, and can be paid online by credit card, debit card, or bank transfer. You can also pay offline by cash or cheque at the MoC office or at any partner bank. You will receive a payment confirmation by email or SMS once your payment is processed.
  • Receive your registration certificate: You will receive your registration certificate by email or SMS within three working days after your online application is completed and approved. You can also download your registration certificate from your account on the MoC website, or collect it in person at the MoC office. You need to print and display your registration certificate at your business premises, and renew it every year.


Business registration in Cambodia is a simple and fast process that can be done online through the MoC website. Business registration in Cambodia allows you to operate legally, protect your assets, access benefits, and expand your market. Business registration in Cambodia requires you to choose a business name, a business structure, a business activity, and a business location. Business registration in Cambodia costs between $25 and $1,800 depending on the type and size of your business. By following the steps in this article, you can complete the online application for business registration in Cambodia and receive your registration certificate within three working days.

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